Friday, July 11, 2008

Sitting alone in the Production Office

At the strong encouragement of our lovely Managing Directer, Jodi, I have started my own blog about my summer at the Westport Country Playhouse in Westport, CT.

I am a member of the Intern class of 2008 this summer. My position is in Company Management, which includes catering to the needs of actors/directors/designers etc. and also the staff members. I also deal a little with contracts and payroll. For the most part my job has included transporting actors to and from the train station in a big green van that seats 12 people. If you can imagine me at 5 feet tall behind the wheel of this would laugh your head off. If I could guess, I would say this thing is about the size of my apartment next year.

I have been here for over a month already, which is incredible since I thought that spending three whole months here would be mundane. Time flies when you're having fun, eh!?

So here's some more background info about cool stuff that goes on at the playhouse: 16 interns: 12 girls, 3 boys, all pretty awesome to hang out with. I'm so happy that I'm living with the interns. I'm from New Canaan, only 20 min. away, and I thought that I would be able to commute easily, but I have found it WAY more fun to live in my awesome beach house 5 min. from the beach in Fairfield with the rest of the interns who I see every day. Last summer as an intern I had to live by myself and let me tell you in hindsight that was really miserable. On our first day here, Jodi told us that these were the people we were going to know the rest of our lives, and getting to live with them certainly helps!

Ok Cole just called places for act 2 for Scramble! (more about that in a later post) and I have to go put beer in a cooler (de life is hard)

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