Thursday, July 24, 2008

Panic Attack!

I feel that this is long overdue:

The single most important thing for myself that I have learned this summer is how not to panic when problems come up.

This job is about problems, and when the crap hits the fan, it's part of my job to deal with it.

In the past I have been an extremely on-edge person. I have my father and his investmentbankinghighstressneverseethelightofday kind of mentality to thank for that. When problems used to come up I would either get upset or whine and complain or worst of all, panic!

Here, the goal is to remain calm. For this company, the manager has to be the rock, the only sane one in the room. if the company manager is panicking what the hell is the company supposed to do!?

I just think back to my week "alone" at the Playhouse. We had a hotel problem, and I had no idea how to solve it. So instead of panicking I was kept calm by Annie Keefe and Jodie and the rest of the interns and of course Bruce kept me calm via 10 or 20phone calls a day, and I was able to get things done efficiently! Also, blasting Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" on the car ride home every night helped too.

I'm learning how to relax! and when I'm keeping a level head I find myself to be a much more pleasant person to be around, I enjoy every day more, I'm more productive, and the problems, well, keep 'em comin', I dare ya!

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